Of Course we have broadband 

This is the web site for TECH INFO Pty Ltd located in Briar Hill, Melbourne, Australia.
As well as being an Internet Service Provider providing NBN broadband access to the Internet and web site hosting for our business customers, TECH INFO Pty Ltd is in the business of selling new PCs, printers, plotters and their consumables.

We also carry out the design, installation and maintenance of computer networks.
Of Course we have broadband
Contact us at:-

Phone: (03) 9435-4669 during business hours

Sales enquiriessales@techinfo.com.au
Accounts enquiriesaccounts@techinfo.com.au
Technical supportsupport@techinfo.com.au
Business hours are 8:30am to 7:00pm Monday to Friday A.E.S.T. and 11:00am to 5:00pm on weekends.
Please use e-mail outside of business hours or call and leave a message with our answering service.

Just click on the yellow text on the left and off you go

ebay.com.au - the world's biggest online auction site
asx.com.au - the Australian Stock Exchange web site
abc.net.au - Australian Broadcasting Commission web site - TV & Radio (news, programming, etc)
formula1.com - The official Formula 1 motor racing site for all you F1 fans.
whitepages.com.au - Australian White pages directory online - look up phone numbers in White or Yellow pages.
Australian Government web site - you can contact most government departments through this page.
blackstump.com.au - Beyond the Black Stump - around 13,000 links to other web sites.
cnn.com - American CNN news network web site.
microsoft.com.au - Microsoft's Australian web site
whowhere.com - look up someone elses e-mail address (and register yours for all to find)
vet.com.au - the CA-Etrust "VET" site for updating your VET anti-virus software.
linkedin.com - site which links business and personal contacts
tattersalls.com.au - check all "Tatts" winning numbers ; there are also on-line competitions to enter.
newscorp.com - The Murdoch newspapers online.
fairfax.com.au - The Fairfax newspapers online.
eb.com - The Encyclopaedia Britannica web site - search for information on-line.
nba.com - National Basketball Association in the USA - get up-to-date results of games.
imdb.com - The internet movie database - a database of thousands of movies, lists of who starred, etc.
yourtv.com.au - TV guide for all Australian cities (free-to-air and pay).
vicnet.net.au - the Victorian Government web site - lots of links elsewhere and lists of local events.
racingvictoria.net.au - Official Victorian horse racing site - also look at the stud book at www.studbook.aust.com
afl.com.au - Official web site of Australian Rules Football - links to team sites. (Unfortunately, covered in ads)
allrecipes.com - a site full of cooking recipes and tips
Victorian snow skiing reports - snow skiing reports usually updated daily
Electronic Arts game site - the are the manufacturers of a wide range of electronic games - try some online games out!
Waterwatch Australia - school project site for water catchment monitoring, water pollution, etc - worth a look
macquariedictionary.com.au - online reference material - Macquarie Dictionary, Thesaurus, crossword resources, etc
Australian Film Television & Radio School - for those considering these careers - (have a look anyway - good graphics)
career.com.au - connects to consultants, international sites, job hunting engines, etc.
seek.com.au - a job search network on the internet
careerone.com.au - search for a job on the net. Create your own resumé online.
Learn how to design good web pages - by looking at badly designed ones!
Virus hoaxes - An up-to-date list of hoax viruses usually circulated by e-mail messages claiming to be genuine warnings
The Way Things Work - a web site explaining how various machines and devices operate
Electronic greeting cards - send a friends an electronic greeting card via e-mail
First Aid online - probably the best First Aid reference currently online.
Internet basics - Learn the basics of the Internet including how to use it more efficiently
World times - need to know the time in Venezuala?
Restaurants - Search for a restaurant in the major Australian cities
drive.com.au - search through all the used car ads online
carsales.com.au - another site to search through all the used car ads online
darwinawards.com - read about some really stupid people doing some really stupid things (which killed them)
contracts.com.au/~contracts/shares.htm - links to stocks/shares sites
olympics.com.au -   the official Australian Olympic Games site
kaboose.com - site with free downloads of various (simple) PC based games software
enchantedlearning.com - US based kids learning site with lots of activities
global-garden.com.au - a gardening magazine on the internet
whereis.com.au - a street directory for all of Australia on the net
newz.com.au/ - local news for Melbourne's north east region
Speed camera positions in Victoria - Full list of fixed and mobile speed camera locations
packsend.com.au - organization who pick up goods, pack them and send to another location for you - great for Ebayers
Melbourne weather bureau radar - Weather radar across Melbourne (can select other locations as well)

In our opinion, the following two programs are the best available (and they are free of charge) to remove popups, advertising bots, trojans and spyware from your troubled PC. Download, install, update and run both of these one at a time for the best result.
Note: You still have to have an Anti-Virus program installed on your PC to combat viruses - the two pieces of software below deal with 'other' things your PC is subjected to.

Malwarebytes - Probably equal best free tool to remove malware/trojans/worms from your PC.
Spybot - The other equal best free tool to remove trojans and worms from your PC

Tech Info hosts web sites for the following companies on our network.
Please click on the domain name to visit their web site.

accordpg.com.au - property development company specializing in commercial projects
allgrow.com.au  -  wholesale plant nursery specialising in pittosporums
andresen-mccarthy.com.au  -  Andresen & McCarthy - Accountants - specialists in tax accounting
architecturematters.com.au  -  firm of architects based in Melbourne
atlaseducational.com.au  - Educational book supplier in Melbourne's north
austef.com - suppliers of teflon coated products for the industrial sector
banyulejfc.com.au  - website of Banyule Junior Football Club
bayswaterstorage.com.au  - Bayswater self storage facility
bermad.com.au  - specialist control valve supplier to the water supply industry
bkgroup.com.au  - manufacturers of sheetmetal and polycarbonate products
buildcorpcommercial.com.au  - Construction and project managers for commercial building projects
bushman.com.au  - Bushman portable 12V fridges for 4 wheel drive cars and camping
cbjstainless.com.au  - engineers specializing in site manufacturing and installation of stainless steel piping
chc.com.au  - Clarke Hopkins & Clarke, Architects
collectorscorner.com.au  - sales of specialist collectables like dinosaur fossils
contracts.com.au - specialists in construction and engineering contracts
doorclosers.com.au  - Ace Doorclosers P/L - suppliers, installers and maintainance of door closing systems
dprefrigeration.com.au  - manufacturers of LP gas fridges for remote areas and portability
eavtech.com.au  - manufacturers and sales of specialist audio and video equipment for auditoriums, etc
ento.com.au  - manufacturers of trolleys and hand trucks for industry
e-tonaustralia.com.au - importers of 4 wheel agricultural motorcycles and electric mobility scooters.
ewersarchitecture.com.au  -  firm of architects based in Melbourne
expressmoneyservice.com.au - leasing agents and money lenders
fortytrout.com.au  - Designers and suppliers of specialist electronic devices for industry
grossiconstructions.com.au - residential architects, Melbourne
inglewoodestate.com.au - reception centre for weddings and corporate functions in semi-rural area of Research, Victoria
jayrosegroup.com.au - insurance agents for life insurance and works compensation
jesfire.com.au  - JES Fire Pty Ltd - fire detection and protection specialists
jja.net.au  - Consulting engineers - mechanical and electrical services
kingsgatevillage.com.au  - Kingsgate Village retirement village, Kilmore, Victoria
knoxdesign.com.au  - Hamish Knox, designer and builder of mudbrick homes
lee-annesdolls.com.au - suppliers of products and repairs to ceramic dolls
legalpeople.com.au  - firm specialising in employment placements in the legal profession
lsa.com.au  - LightLab Australia & Lighting Sciences Australasia Pty Ltd - testing laboratories for lighting
lscfabrications.com.au - Stainless steel fabrications for buildings and industry
mrfern.com.au  -  a wholesale plant nursery specializing in tree ferns
oudengineering.com.au  - Engineering specialists in equipment manufacture for the dairy and pharmaceutical industries
paradisia.com.au  - specialist nursery for unusual plants and artifacts
proactivestrategies.com.au  - loss prevention consultants and strategists
raafavic.org.au  - Royal Australian Air Force, Victorian Division
roblec.com.au - Electrical contractor specializing in emergency evacuation lighting
shiatsu.net.au  - Japanese massage technique for relaxation and general well being
stahmers.com.au  - Stahmers carpets - commercial and domestic carpeting
tenniscourts.com.au - website of Kevin McNamara & Son, tennis courts and swimming pool construction
thehomedetailer.com.au  - No fuss pre-sale maintenance for your home or office prior to sale
trimworld.com.au - upholstery trimmers for cars and boats
u3adeepdene.org.au  - University of the Third Age, Deepdene branch
wheelerfa.com.au  - Ian Wheeler and Associates - superannuation and financial planning experts
zuccalahomes.com.au  - Quality home builders in Melbourne's West and Northern suburbs

TECH INFO has been on-line and supplying customers with access to the internet since March 1997.

E-mail us or telephone the office on (03) 9435-4669

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