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There are now several ways in which you can connect to the internet using broadband
Generally, you can connect to the internet in one of 5 ways:
- an aDSL service supplied over your existing copper telephone line (slowly being phased out and replaced by the National Broadband Network (NBN))
- the new NBN as it becomes available in your area.
- internet supplied over the Telstra Foxtel or Optus cable TV network (generally only Metro areas)
- a 3G/4G service being supplied over the mobile telephone networks (generally limited download options)
- a satellite service (generally only for country areas and it is normally slower than the other options)

Each of these has its own cost structure and engineering challenges may determine whether you can be supplied a particular service in your area. Techinfo can supply you broadband by either of the first two options above.

What is aDSL?
aDSL stands for "Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line" and is a type of broadband technology. The connection to your home or business is brought in on your normal copper phone line ie. both your existing phone number and the aDSL connection are brought in to your premises on the same pair of copper wire. There is no change or degradation to your original phone service as a result of this addition. This type of service is not available in all areas of Australia at this time, but is generally available in Metro and country areas as long as you are within 4km of your local telephone exchange.
The "asymmetric" means that the download speed (the speed you receive data) is different to the upload speed (the speed you send data). The services we offer in adsl1 service are residential grade (option 1 below), and business grade (option 2 below). In adsl2+, all services are residential grade (option 3 below)

What do I need to connect to aDSL?
You require the following items:
- an aDSL modem router. The cost of these start at around $95 (depending on make/model)
- ADSL service must be activated on your phone line (equipment must be available in your phone district ie. at your local exchange and typically you must be within a distance of 4km of your local telephone exchange).
- fill in a Tech Info application form for aDSL service and send it to our office (by fax or post)
- the form is available by clicking here.
Normal installation/activation time is around 5-10 working days.

What are the costs and benefits of aDSL?
The 'once off' costs are as follows:
- there is an install charge to activate the service on your line.
- you will need to purchase a digital modem or router.
The 'ongoing' costs are:
- the monthly access to adsl broadband (plan selected by you) billed by Tech Info 6 monthly.
The broadband access is billed by printed paper tax invoice mailed to your postal address. This is a 14 day payment account.

The likely savings to you over an existing dial-up modem account are:
- based on a normal 50 hour/month account making 2 calls to the internet per day;
savings on the Tech Info 50 hour/month dial-up account fee is $13.75/month
savings on calls are $12.00/month based on 2 calls/day at 20c/call and 30 days/month.
This totals $25.75/month.

If you have a separate line used by your modem, you will save the line rental on this line as it is no longer required. This will save you an additional $29.95/month bringing the total savings to $55.70/month.

The benefits are:
- download speeds which will be around 30 times faster (this depends on the server loads of the site your are downloading from as well as many other factors - you should expect speeds about 20-25 times faster as the 'norm' when comparing a 56k modem with a 1.5Mbps aDSL1 service)
- your phone line is available to make and receive calls at all times ie. the aDSL service does not tie up the phone line making it 'busy' when you are on the Internet
- no call dropouts as the system does not require you to dial in to the ISP and maintain a connection over a voice grade line.
- almost instant connection the moment your PC has finished booting.
- you can connect more than one PC to the Internet through the aDSL router at the same time giving all PC's on your home or office network 24 hour/day Internet access at high speed.
- our services can be furnished with a static IP address at no additional cost which allows you to access the PC connected to the service from anywhere on the Internet (obviously this can also be a security issue if proper firewalls and passwords are not in place)

Things to consider when comparing Tech Info offerings with that of other providers
1. Be wary that some other aDSL provider's plans on offer currently give you a 'data limit' included with the monthly fee.
This data limit tallies up all the data that your PC SENDS as well as receives ie. it is not just a download limit, it includes all upload as well.
Under normal use, your total uploaded data is about 1/3 of your total download, so you must add, say, 30% to your current download total to get the total amount of data transmitted back and forth. This is especially important if your PC has music downloading (sharing) software installed on it which will cause it to send copies of your music to other PC's around the world without your knowledge - this can lead to a VERY large excess use bill.
With Tech Info aDSL, we only keep an eye on the download total and the limits are set very, very high (in Gb) which effectively makes each of the accounts 'unlimited'
You may also expect that your data flow will increase by about two to three times what you have used through a dial up connection due to the 24 hour access and the increased speed of download. This has proven to be the case with our users who have already swapped over to aDSL broadband.

2. You do not need to bundle your home or business phones or mobiles to any Internet offering we make.

3. Our contract is 6 months only. This means if the price drops, your next renewal invoice with Tech Info will be at the new (lower) rate. Most other providers sign you up for 24months at today's prices and charge the full contract price as a cancellation fee.

4. One of the major aDSL providers has had many well documented reliability issues with their broadband network from Day 1 and some of these issues are still largely unresolved today. This reliability issue also effects other ISP's reselling that same product under their own name.

5. Unlike some other ISP's offering broadband, we do offer support the networking of all your PC's connecting to the Internet through the same modem/router/firewall device (ie. using the a single broadband Internet account for all your PC's)

6. If you swap to another Internet provider, you will lose your techinfo/gravity e-mail address.

7. We answer each and every telephone support call. You will not be met with an automated messaging system nor be put on hold for 30minutes! We cannot stress enough how important this should be in your decision making process for selecting a broadband provider.

What about if I already have an aDSL service with another provider (and want to change to Tech Info)?

We can swap you over from your existing aDSL broadband provider to our service (called a 'churn') by simply filling in the authorization form which you can download here, fill it in and mail or fax it back to our office.
A churn of service from one provider to another can be programmed to happen on any day you nominate as long as it is at least 5 working days hence from application.
The fee to churn from another provider to our service is $50 inc GST.
Note: You need to discover if there is any exit fee you may have on your current contract which you may have signed with your current provider (which will be payable to them by you).

Option 1: Pricing for "unlimited" download aDSL/aDSL2+ services

Note that adsl services are being phased out by the end 2020 as part of the Federal government’s upgrade of the aging  communications infrastructure to the National Broadband Network (NBN).
It is still possible to order an adsl service in some areas which are not currently serviced by the NBN.
Generally, if you are less than 3km from your telephone exchange, adsl2+ will give you a higher speed service in both download and upload. There is only one speed in adsl2+ and this is determined by the length and quality of copper line between your connection point and the telephone exchange ie. The further you are from the exchange the lower the speed.

Unfortunately, at this time there is no automatic process for determining what speed you might achieve from a change to adsl2+ service

Broadly speaking, the speeds you might achieve are:
20Mbps - 0km->1.2km from exchange with good quality copper and wire joins
18Mbps at 1.5km .. ditto comments on copper phone line
14Mbps at 2.0km.. ditto comments on copper phone line
11Mbps at 2.5km.. Ditto comments on copper phone line
8Mbps at 3.0km.. Ditto comments on copper phone line
After this the speeds achieved on adsl2+ service are lower than can be achieved on an adsl1 - 8Mbps service ie. better off on adsl1 service.
Upload speeds on adsl2+ are generally between 640kbps and 1Mbps

For adsl2+ service, there are 'once off' costs (payable to Tech Info Pty LTD) as follows:
- a fee of $130 inc GST to activate aDSL on your phone line,
$45 inc GST if you are changing speed from an existing TechInfo adsl1 service or churning from another provider's adsl1 or adsl2+ service. (Note: you must check if you have both an adsl2+ compatible router and adsl2 line filters installed)

- you need to purchase a digital modem/router/firewall device to connect the aDSL service to your PC or PC network.
We offer the Netcomm NF10WV or NF18WV wifi modem router which includes a 4 port 10/100 network switch to connect up to 4 PC's and/or Macs to the Internet via ethernet cable or up to 20 devices via wifi connection through the one broadband connection. This router is also suitable for use on any NBN connection. Cost is $155 inc GST.
- you will receive a half yearly account based on the pricing below, for the service you select.
All accounts are to be paid within 14 days.
Note: all of our 'residential grade' adsl connections are supplied with a static IP address at no charge.

The table below shows pricing for Metro and Regional connections - the definition (although loose in its application) is that if there is only Telstra equipment installed in the exchange to which you are connected, then "Regional" pricing applies. If there are other companies present in the exchange with their adsl2+ DSLAM equipment, the more competitive "Metro" pricing applies.
Broadly speaking, in country areas, only Telstra equipment will be present in the exchange - Please call our office or email us at:- to determine if your connection is defined as Metro or Regional.


Nominal connection speed
(download/upload speed in kbits/second)

Volume Limit
(download measured only)

"Metro & Regional "
Monthly fee inc GST

20000k / 1000k (low use)

Data limit 5 GB / month**

$ 45.00

20000k / 1000k

Data limit 15 GB / month**

$ 50.00

20000k / 1000k

Data limit 25 GB / month**

$ 55.00

20000k / 1000k

Data limit 50 GB / month**

$ 70.00

20000k / 1000k

Unlimited Data / month

$ 79.00

** if the volume limit is exceeded, the connection speed is automatically slowed to 128 / 128kbps until the start of the next month.

The application for for aDSL 2+ service is available by clicking here.

1. Be aware that at a nominal download speed of 15Mbps, you could download 3Gb in about 1 hour ; ie. use the 5Gb monthly allowance in 1 hour if you were to download very large files
2. With this plan there is a 6 month minimum term of agreement. If you choose to disconnect prior to the expiration of 6 months you will be charged a disconnection fee of $75 inc GST. No fee is payable for disconnection at any time after the first 6 months elapsed time.
3. If you want to change the speed of aDSL2+ service back down to adsl1, a provisioning fee of $45 inc GST is payable.

Option 2: National Broadband Network (NBN) Pricing

As the NBN Co rolls out the infrastructure for the National Broadband Network (NBN), you will be asked to swap your current adsl/adsl2+ service to NBN. Generally, this can happen in one of two ways ; either by fibre cable being connected to your premises or Fibre-to-the-Node technology (generally in Metro areas). In regional areas, the ‘fixed wireless’ system is generally used. You then connect your router/wifi device to the NBN equipment installed inside your house/office.
In both cases there is a choice of maximum download speed at various costs shown below.

Note that generally the NBN monthly fee is equivalent/cheaper than your current combined cost of the telephone line rental plus call costs plus adsl broadband fees.

Things you should be aware of:
1. Note that the NBNCo equipment requires a power supply to power to it so the installer will want to position it somewhere inside your house/office where there is a convenient (to him/her) for the installation. You will have a small ongoing cost with the power supply for the NBN equipment (equivalent draw to a small laptop charger)

2. Your current copper based telephone land line is no longer necessary for the supply of your Internet broadband connection once you transfer to the NBN. Therefore, after the NBN is installed, your current line(s) can be disconnected unless you have been supplied NBN over the fixed wireless network.
If you do require the ongoing use of a land line for, say, security alarm monitoring, use of a fax machine, or monitoring of a personal alert system, you can choose to transfer your existing land line number to the new NBN service for an additional fee of $13/month inclusive of 400minutes/month of calls to any Australian landline and 150minutes/month of calls to any Australian mobile phone.
This basic service does not include any calls to 13xx , international but this facility can be added if requested and chaged monthly if used. In most cases, your current telephone handset will connect to the NBN router and continue to operate as you currently use it.
You will however have to organise and pay for the connection of your alarm equipment across onto the NBN equipment. We can recommend technicians we are currently using to do this work.

Please call our office or email us at:- to determine which speed may be suitable for your application.



Nominal connection speed
(download/upload speed in kbits/second)

Volume Limit
(download measured only)

"Metro & Regional "
Monthly fee inc GST


12Mbps / 1Mbps

Unlimited Data / month

$ 62.00

equivalent speed to adsl2

25Mbps / 5Mbps

Unlimited Data / month

$ 69.00


50Mbps / 20Mbps

Unlimited Data / month

$ 79.00


100Mbps / 40Mbps

Unlimited Data / month

$ 109.00


Fixed wireless

Unlimited Data / month

$ 62.00

equivalent speed to adsl2

Fixed wireless

Unlimited Data / month

$ 69.00

** other download packages are available - please call our office.


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